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Asian-Pacific Conference on Hypertension (APCH) 2025

Dear Sir / Madam , 

            Greetings from World Hypertension Congress 2025 !!

Special offer for PG students , Assistant Professors , Associate Professors and HOD's of  Dept. of Medicine , Cardiology , Nephrology & Neurology . 
Registration fee Rs.7500 /- only  . Kindly utilize this opportunity to attend World Hypertension Congress 2025 . If you would like to attend Scientific Writing Workshop and enrich your knowledge , you are requested to pay Rs. 2500/- as an additional amount . This program is between 7.30 & 8.30 am on all 3 days starting from Friday 7th March and ending on Sunday 9th March 2025 . 
Breakfast will be served at the end of this workshop . Certificates will be issued for the registered delegates for this workshop on the last day .  

Registration Details :    Special  Registration Fee  for Delegates   :  Rs.7500/- 
                                          Add [ Scientific Writing Workshop ]         :  Rs.2500/-
                                           Total amount  : Rs.10,000 /-  

If you don't want to attend the Scientific Writing Workshop , you are requested to pay Rs.7500/- only . After paying this amount through QR Code please fill the form properly , scan the registration form along with the UPI id with the screen shot of the payment done . If we don't receive the registration form with all your transaction details , it will be very difficult to register your name for the congress .The last date for this special offer is 31st December 2024 . All communication including registration to be sent to . 
Please visit our website : 

Thanks and Regards

Dr.S.N.Narasingan,MD.,  FRCP[Edin,Glsg].,FACP,FICP.,FCCP[USA].,
Chair , Indian Organizing Committee World Hypertension Congress 2025.
Vice President  , World Hypertension League ,

Dear WHL Members and Colleagues,

Due to unforeseen circumstances, we have had to change the dates of  the WHL 6th World Hypertension Congress (WHC2025). The new dates are March 7-9, 2025. Details of the Congress are available on the WHL website and the Congress website.  Other than the date change, everything remains the same. 

Our expectation is that we will have an outstanding, world-class Congress which will focus especially on WHL mission areas: BP diagnosis/control and BP-related population health in middle- and low-income countries. The main program includes presentations and State of the Art talks by more than 30 of the world’s leading experts. In addition, the Program includes a three-day Scientific Writing Workshop, Abstract sessions, and an Awards session. The WHC2025 will be a landmark meeting that you should not miss!

Please note that the Abstract Deadline is September 30th, and you can submit your abstract via this link.

Thank you in advance for disseminating this information to your colleagues.

World Hypertension League Congress Planning Committee

   Vice President  , World Hypertension League , 

   Chair , Indian Organizing Committee , World Hypertension Congress 2025   .  

Salt Sight Invite Letter

Dear WHL Exec and Board,
Please see attached World Hypertension Day press release, which will be posted on the WHL website and sent to our members and colleagues shortly. Included are links to the Excellence Award Winners announcement, the Children's Art Program contributions, the WHC2025 website, the WHL newsletter, and our list of Hypertension Resources.

Wishing you all the best on World Hypertension Day 2024!


Dear Colleague,
It gives me great pleasure in inviting you to become a member of the Losalter group , an initiative of Sapiens Health foundation.
The purpose of this Losalter group is to disseminate information on salt consumption and health .
I am sure you are aware that hypertension and its related complications is the number one cause of death in the world.
WHO has warned and emphasised the need to act by reducing the salt consumption and thereby reduce deaths from non communicable diseases.
I request you to enrol as a member of Losalter group by logging into the website.
Apart from information available in the website , we have planned to conduct a workshop with physical presence and through online. These workshops would be conducted by leading physicians leading to certification . The workshops will be conducted in Chennai, Mumbai & New Delhi to reach out the message on losalt to doctors across the country.
Please write to us for any queries/ clarification in this regard.
Looking forward to your participation

Warm regards
Dr.S.N.Narasingan,MD., FRCP[Edin,Glsg].,FACP,FICP.,FCCP[USA].,
Respected Society Members,

Season's Greetings!

Indian Society of Hypertension (InSH) is pleased to invite you to contribute as author/ reviewer in "Hypertension Journal".

Furthermore, introducing recent studies published in the Journal as below:
Warm Regards,

on behalf of Indian Society of Hypertension (InSH)
9VOM Publishing
Team 9VOM

Happy New Year 2024

Dear Friends ,
Greetings from "Indian Society of Hypertension" !!
Wishing you all a Happy & Prosperous New Year 2024 .

ISH 2024 Scientific Meeting. Request from the ISH President

Dear Dr.Bryan Williams , 
          ISH President , 

    Thanks for the mail . Advance Congratulations for ISH Meeting at Colombia . As per your request and with our own enthusiasm about this meeting of ISH , I am uploading the meeting details in our Official website of  Indian Society of Hypertension . Wishing you and your organisation a great success . Please see  

Thanks and Regards,

Dr.S.N.Narasingan,MD., FRCP[Edin,Glsg].,FACP,FICP.,FCCP[USA].,


To the leadership of Indian Society of Hypertension

Dear Professors Narasingan, Verma and colleagues, 

I hope this email finds you well.   

The next ISH meeting is scheduled for 19-22 September 2024 in Cartagena, Colombia. The ISH Council is working hard with the Local Organising Committee to set up a great scientific meeting in an exceptional place. We believe this is going to be a very memorable meeting for all those who will attend. 
We are asking for your help in promoting this important and exciting event.   

I would be very grateful if you could reach out to your regional and national networks and contacts and encourage your colleagues and collaborators to submit their abstracts via the Cartagena meeting website (deadline: 30th April 2024). 

We would also be extremely grateful if you could promote the ISH 2024 meeting on your society website and in your member communication. Please find attached meeting graphics for your use.  

In return, we are always delighted to receive information on your society events and activities for the ISH to promote via our website and monthly e-Bulletin, as well as keeping us updated on any changes to the leadership in your organisation.  
I hope that I will see you in person in the beautiful and historic city of Cartagena next year. I am confident it is going to be a scientifically stimulating and a memorable event.  
Your kind support is very much appreciated.   

With best wishes,  

Bryan Williams 
ISH President

ESH 2023 Hypertension Guidelines Editorial Mine

Dr. Narsingh Verma
MBBS, MD, FRCP (London), FRCP (Edinburgh) FACP (USA), FIACM, FICN, FAMS, FIMSA FRSSDI Fellow of Diabetes India
Professor and Head Department of Physiology
Officiating Head Department of Family Medicine
King George's Medical University Lucknow 226003
Former Dean Student Welfare
Former Head Department of Transfusion Medicine
Former Superintendent GM & Associated Hospitals KGMU Lucknow
Treasurer Indian Society of Hypertension
Secretary General Indian Society of Chronomedicine
President Asia Pacific Society of Hypertension
Immediate Past President Association of Physiologists of India
Chairman UP Chapter of International Medical Science Academy
Immediate Past President Uttar Pradesh Diabetes Association
President International Society for Medicinal Food and Nutrition
Secretary ACP India Chapter
Treasurer UP Chapter of RSSDI
Treasurer UP Chapter of APPI
Organizing Secretary BPCON 2013
Organizing Secretary WCC-ICP 2016
Regional Faculty for NDEP, CCEBDM, ACMDC and CCGDM
Organizing Secretary and Coordinator First International Summer school of Hypertension 2016
Member regional scientific advisory committee of Asia Pacific Society of Hypertension
Governing Body member Asia Pacific Society of Hypertension
Vice Chairman Organizing Committee of DIPSI 2017
Organizing Chairman National Conference of ACP 2018
Organizing Secretary ASSOPICON 2017
Organizing Secretary World Congress of Chronomedicine 2018
Organizing Secretary BPCON 2020
Organizing Chairman WCC 2020
Executive Chairman APCH 2021
Scientific Chairman WCC 2020
Scientific Chairman IMACP 2022
Scientific Chairman BPCON 2022
Organizing Chairman ASSOPICON 2023
Editorial Board Member Journal of Clinical Hypertension
Editor Hypertension
Email, 09839064560 / 09415448013
Res 13/231 Indira Nagar, Lucknow 226016

Public Interactive Program on Hypertension

Asia Book of Records Certificate

India Book of Records Certificate

World Hypertension League

About Mega Awareness Programme in Newspaper and Magazines

Dear Colleagues,
Greetings from World Hypertension League.
I am herewith sending Registration details for Virtual Meeting of ESH 2023 to be held at Milan ,Italy.
I request you to register in large numbers under low middle income countries which comes to 85.4 Pounds
including VAT for 4 days session . I am sure , you will like the entire program on Hypertension related issues
An added attraction is that you would be witnessing 2023 Guidelines for Hypertension from ESH.

Thanks and Regards,

Dr.S.N.Narasingan,MD., FRCP[Edin,Glsg].,FACP,FICP.,FCCP[USA].,

Dear Prof. Narasingan,

it was a great pleasure to e-meet you during the WHL call. I do hope we will find the best way to work together for the success of the 2025 meeting in India.

I am now writing you to ask your help for the forthcoming ESH 2023 meeting, that will take place in Milan on June 23-26, 2023. As you know this year the new ESH Guidelines will be released: this is an exceptional appointment for the update of scientific experts in the field of hypertension and related diseases.

Last year we had at the end approx. 500 Indian participants (all virtual) and do hope we may repeat this successful and fruitful experience. May I therefore kindly ask your help in spreading out this information (see newsletter under below attached), helping us to collect a large number of local registrations? Kindly note that a special fee for individuals coming from low- and middle-income countries has been introduced. Please check the congress website: Based on the current registration fee, individual participants will be charged 70€ each to enjoy 4 days of full immersion and virtual interaction with the most prominent KOL's.

Should you need any further information please do not hesitate to contact me, I will be more than happy to help you!

Kindest regards


Dear WHL Board, Regional Directors and Special Advisors,

Please see attached the March issue of the WHL newsletter, where we showcase two Hot Off the Presses articles:  
   Community Healthcare Team-based Treatment of Hypertension
   Special JHH Issue dedicated to the accuracy of automated BP measuring devices

Additionally in this issue, we announce the kick-off of the new WHL website, share the latest Sodium Reduction news, and highlight a Journal of Human Hypertension piece on the role of temperature and weather patterns on hypertension and cardiovascular mortality.

We have initiated a new section “Hypertension on the Ground” to showcase practical efforts toward hypertension detection, prevention, management and control, and there is lots of exciting news from our members and partners.

We hope you enjoy this issue and forward it to your friends and colleagues. 

Mary L. Trifault
Associate Editor, WHL Newsletter
Toward the Prevention and Control of Hypertension Globally

Dear WHL Member Societies,

The deadline for submission of Excellence Award candidates has been extended to March 24, 2023.  

Please see the list of named awards below, and the submission form attached and at this link.  A list of Award Descriptions and past named Award Winners is also attached for your reference. 

All submissions will be reviewed by the WHL Excellence Awards Committee and winners will be announced on World Hypertension Day, May 17, 2023. Please note that current WHL Board members are ineligible for nomination.

Kind regards,

Mary L. Trifault
Senior WHL Administrator

2023 WHL Individual Named Excellence Awards
•   Detlev Ganten Excellence Award in Basic Research in Hypertension          
•   Peter Sleight Excellence Award in Hypertension Clinical Research Trials
•   Claude Lenfant Excellence Award in Population Hypertension Control Through Educational Activities and Guideline Implementation
•   Liu Lisheng Excellence Award in Cardiovascular Risk Factor Control in Low- and Middle-income Populations.
•   Norman Campbell Excellence Award in Population Hypertension Prevention
•   Daniel Lackland Excellence Award in Collaboration and Advocacy for Population Hypertension Risk Reduction
2023 WHL Organization/Intervention Excellence Award
•   Organizational Excellence Award in Global Hypertension Control

Dear WHL Members and Colleagues,

The 2023 Edition of the WHL Children's Art Program is now open for submissions. We're excited about this year's program and we hope that you will disseminate the information below to your friends and contacts.

Young artists (under 18 years old) from around the world are eligible and invited to submit an art contribution depicting an aspect of high blood pressure awareness to help celebrate 2023 World Hypertension Day on May 17th. All submissions will be considered for recognition with the Edward J. Roccella Excellence Award with a global showcase.

The Submission Form can be downloaded here. 

High blood pressure drives heart disease, a global public health problem, which begins in childhood. Most heart disease can be prevented, or the onset prolonged to much later in life, if action occurs early on in life. The Program has been an effective means for young people to communicate and promote lifestyle changes for all individuals throughout the world through art.  

This year we are encouraging artwork related to the theme of healthy blood pressure, including:

  • Accurate and regular blood pressure measurement: Know Your Numbers
  • More physical activity & less screen time: Move Your Way: Walk, Run, Dance, Play
  • A low sodium, heart healthy diet:  Enjoy Your Fruits & Veggies
  • Refrain from any kind of smoking: Stay Smokefree 

Children can create an original drawing by hand with crayons, colored pencils, ink pens, markers, paint (acrylic or watercolor), or by using digital tools. The artwork should be titled "World Hypertension Day 2023" in the artist's language. Contributing artists will be recognized with WHL award certificates, and their artwork displayed on the WHL website, with select pieces presented in the WHL Newsletter.
Thank you for getting the word out to families, friends, and teachers!  
Children's Art Program Sponsors:
 Daniel T. Lackland, DrPH, Prof. of Epidemiology, Medical Univ. of South Carolina
 Bonita Falkner, MD, Professor Emeritus, Thomas Jefferson University

Mary L. Trifault
Associate Editor, WHL Newsletter
Toward the Prevention and Control of Hypertension Globally

Dear Friends , 

Greetings from Lipid Association of India  

LAI Questionnaire to study the trends in the management of dyslipidemia in India 
My sincere thanks go out to you for your participation in Part 1 of the LAI online survey. Data is being compiled for its publication. In just two months, we received 933 responses. We were surprised by the results of part 1. Part 2 of the online survey is now available. There are 25 questions in this survey, and I would like to request you spare 15 minutes for it. It is through this questionnaire that LAI aims to collect some information on how Indian doctors treat dyslipidemia in ACS, ASCVD, HT, and Diabetes, which is often cited as unavailable in India. I would appreciate it if you shared it with your colleagues. Here is a link for your reference.

Please use code  : SNN-1

Dear Dr. S N Narasingan and Indian Society of Hypertension,

We want to thank you for your contribution to the ISH2022 Kyoto meeting.

Now, we would like to announce that ISH2022 Kyoto Early Bird deadline will be closed on 31st August 2022, 23:59JST.

As announced, the Congress will be held in a hybrid format; you can join this important meeting either onsite or online.

So, I'm writing this email to ask for your kind cooperation in sending out the attached email about the Early Bird deadline to your society members to encourage their participation.

For more details, please feel free to contact the Secretariat of ISH2022 at

In addition, we are pleased to inform you the updating the information about entering Japan at

For VISA application, you can find the detailed information at

We look forward to seeing you all in Kyoto in October, hopefully face-to-face!

Best regards,

Kyoko Takayama
The Japanese Society of Hypertension
Nichinai Kaikan 2F
28-8, Hongo 3-chome, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033
Tel. +81-3-6801-9786
Office URL:

Dear Dr.Kyoko Takayama ,

                 Thanks for your mail and kind invitation . I have a commitment during the same period of  Conference for another Hypertension Summit in India . My sincere apologies for not attending this  wonderful conference . However , Dr.Narsingh Verma , who is currently the Treasurer of Indian Society  of Hypertension will be attending Physically . I am uploading the details of the conference into our  website :    for the benefit of our members . 

Wish you all the best for a successful conference . 

Thanks and Regards,

Dr.S.N.Narasingan,MD.,      FRCP[Edin,Glsg].,FACP,FICP.,FCCP[USA].,
Vice Chairman -Lipid Association of India 
Board Member , World Hypertension League ,
Elected Fellow of International Society of Hypertension [ISHF] 
Immediate Past  President , Indian Society of Hypertension
Hony. Gen. Secretary, Association of Physicians of India ,Chennai Chapter 
Former Adjunct Professor,
The TamilNadu Dr.MGR Medical University, Chennai
Managing Director,
SNN Specialties Clinic,
O# 6,N# 11,Sriram Nagar , North street ,
Alwarpet , Chennai - 18
Ph : 24323992 , 7200055918 
Mobile: +91-9789088692
e.mail :    

To World Hypertension League Members and Colleagues:

Please note, the upcoming deadline for Artwork for the 2022 WHL Children's Art Program has been extended to April 15th. We hope to build on our wonderful showing last year (see 2021 submissions here.), so please send in your contributions!

This year's artwork will be showcased on World Hypertension Day, May 17th, with the theme "Promoting Healthy Lifestyles", including blood pressure and stroke awareness, and cardiovascular and kidney disease prevention. Contributions should relate to maintaining a healthy blood pressure, including physical activity, less screen time and a heart healthy, reduced sodium diet that includes fruits, vegetables, and grains as well as less "fast foods", not smoking, and 'knowing your blood pressure'.

This year's art contributors will be announced on WHD and receive a special excellence award certificate entitled: "Edward J. Roccella Excellence in Art Award for Hypertension Awareness", in recognition of WHL Art Program co-sponsor Dr. Edward J. Roccella who recently passed away. Dr. Roccella was instrumental in the creation and promotion of the Children's Art Program and high blood pressure awareness in young people, and will be greatly missed.

We look forward to seeing this year's young people's artistic creations as they attempt to show their friends and families their ideas about healthy blood pressure.

For more information and submission forms click here.


Children's Art Program Sponsors:

Daniel T. Lackland, DrPH, Professor of Epidemiology, Medical University of South Carolina

Bonita Falkner, MD, Professor Emeritus, Thomas Jefferson University

Dear Sir,

I am pleased to attach our recent publication in the American Journal of Cardiology demonstrating that initial combination drug therapy lowers the blood pressure in patients with hypertension to "new normal" level of <130/80 mm Hg. The study was done at the Apollo Hospital, Hyderabad, under the guidance of Dr. C. Venkata S Ram.

This is first study to test whether the new aggressive blood pressure goals recommended by the latest guidelines can be achieved in clinical practice. It is also the first study to correlate new normal blood pressure levels with central aortic blood pressure, and pulse wave velocity, utilizing newer technologies to measure automated office blood pressure and cuffless ambulatory blood pressure recordings. We hope that the findings of this study will pave the pathways to control hypertension effectively to reduce the chronic disease burden on the community.

With regards,

N. Madhavi Latha
Asst Manager
Apollo Institute for Blood Pressure Management

Attention : Delegates of SATH Program II Edition - Conducted by Indian Society of Hypertension

Dear Delegates (SATH)

This is to inform you that due to some technical issues we would not be having "Module 10" of SATH scheduled on 26th March '22. We will be having "Module 11" as pre decided schedule on 2nd April '22

Inconvenience if any regretted. We require your cooperation.

Dear Friends,
This ISH call for BIDS 2026 has reached me for necessary action .I think I have already spoken to Dr.Narsingh Verma , who is very keen in taking it for 2026.
My humble request is to give your suggestions to go ahead. We can plan for a zoom meeting of executive committee to take a final call. The future president and office  bearers need to take the  responsibilities after my tenure gets over.
For more information refer to the ISH website ( or contact us via ISH secretariat email:
Dear Sir,
       I am pleased to send you the attached paper just published regarding the risk factors for stroke in India. The study was done in the Apollo system nationwide under the guidance of Dr. C. Venkata S Ram.  This is probably the first study to evaluate prospectively and objectively the risk factors for acute stroke in India. The findings and conclusions call for immediate remedial actions at various levels to prevent the devastating occurrence of stroke in India.

      Best wishes and kind regards,

Thanking you.

N. Madhavi Latha
Asst Manager
Apollo Institute for Blood Pressure Management
Apollo Blood Pressure Clinics
Apollo Hospitals
Administrative Co-ordinator
World Hypertension League/WHO ( South Asia)
Administrative Co-ordinator
Hypertension Journal

Dear Doctor,

Greetings from SATH (Scientific Approach To Hypertension) & Indian Society of Hypertension.

At the outset, we thank you for your active participation in the last 11 modules of the certificate course in hypertension under the Indian society of hypertension.

We look forward to your valuable presence for the 12th module.

SATH is inviting you for the 12th Module.

Date: 24th October 2021, Sunday

Time: 11:30 a.m. to 01:30 p.m.

Module 12:

a) Global Guidelines of Managing Hypertension


Dr. S N Narasingan


Vice Chairman : Lipid Association of India [LAI]

National President : Indian Society of Hypertension

SNN Diagnostic Centre & SNN Specialities Clinic


b) What is new in Hypertension


Dr. Jamshed Dalal

MD, DM (Cardiology)
Sr. Consultant Interventional Cardiologist

Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital


Register in advance for this meeting:

Meeting ID: 922 9993 0818

Password: sath

From the Desk of the National President ,
Indian Society of Hypertension
Dear Friends ,
Greetings from InSH ,
Indian Society of Hypertension [ InSH ] has been involved in many academic activities .I am happy to inform you that InSH is now coming out with a certificate program on hypertension intended for practising Doctors , Physicians & Specialists .The program is titled as SATH [ Scientific Approach To Hypertension ] This program has 24 modules which are going to be covered on every Sunday between 11.30 am and 1.30 pm for the next 12 weeks . The renowned speakers from all over the country and from various specialities were drawn for this academic activity .

Torrent Pharma has come forward to support for this activity on a virtual platform . The final program has come out very well and I am planning to start this activity with 2 modules on Sunday 1st August 2021 which will be preceded by Inauguration . Honourable Governor of Telangana and Lieutenant Governor of Puducherry , Dr. Tamilisai Soundararajan has accepted to Inaugurate the scientific session . I request all members of Indian Society of Hypertension to grace this occasion .You are welcome to get registered for this SATH program which will be co-ordinated by Mr.Gourav , Assistant General Manager [ Mobile No: 7069000409 / E.mail id : ] of Torrent Pharmaceuticals . In case , you would like to visit the inauguration only on virtual platform you will be provided a delegate link . My humble request to all of you is to register for this program and encourage me ,Dr.Narsingh Verma ,Hony Gen.Secretary and Dr.Anuj Maheshwari , Academic co-ordinator and Treasurer of InSH . Without your voluntary support , activities like this may not get due recognition in academic circles . I once again appeal to all of you to go through the attachments and the Invitation for Inauguration . After registering you will get a link to log in .

Let us all work together and project the image of InSH to the global scenario since InSH is the only Organisation which is affiliated to International Society of Hypertension and World Hypertension League .


President ,Indian Society of Hypertension

Dear Members and Partners,

We would like to remind you of some links to resources to help promote the WHD theme - "Measure Your Blood Pressure Accurately, Control It, Live Longer"

You can help this year's WHD campaign by sharing hypertension information and resources on social media, promoting individual screenings, and engaging with local media.

Data reporting forms, a questionnaire and hypertension fact sheet are posted on the WHL website at this link.

Thank you for helping us celebrate WHD2021.

The WHL Board

Dr. S.N.Narasingan
President of InSH

Greetings from Cardiological Society of India (CSI)!
The Executive Committee of the Cardiological Society of India has accepted your proposal. The Google form for collecting hypertension related data will be uploaded in the Web Portal of CSI and the link will be shared to our members shortly.
Also,the CSI logo can be used along with the ISH logo in the said Google form.

Thanking you
With warm regards,
Dr. Debabrata Roy
Hony. General Secretary
Cardiological Society of India

Dear Dr.Debabrata Roy,
Greetings from Indian Society of Hypertension.
I am happy to receive a supporting mail with confirmation to get associated with InSH . I profusely thank Dr.P.P.Mohanan ,President and your good self and other E.C members for the prompt response .I am sure ,when our association joins with prestigious CSI things will move faster and we will be getting genuine data on screening for BP . Kindly use your CSI logo along with InSH logo in the google form which will be uploaded in the web portal of CSI . I am attaching the file with the logo of Indian Society of Hypertension . Waiting to hear from you.

Thanks and Regards,
President of InSH

To our Members and Colleagues:

The 2021 WHL Children's Art Contest deadline is April 30th, so please submit your children's artwork soon. WHL plans to announce the winners on World Hypertension Day on May 17th, and will post the winners on the WHL website (see here for last year's submissions). Examples of contributions include the themes of blood pressure measurement, stroke, and cardiovascular disease prevention. We also encourage contributions that relate to a healthy blood pressure, including physical activity, less screen time and a heart healthy diet that includes fruits, vegetables, and grains as well as less "fast foods", reduced sodium and not smoking.
For more information and submission forms, in English and Spanish, click here.

From the desk of Dr. S.N.Narasingan, President Indian Society of Hypertension on activities of World Hypertension Day (WHD).

Dr. S. N. Narasingan BP Measurement data

Let's all help to get the word out! This year's theme is
Measure Your Blood Pressure, Control It, Live Longer
and focuses on accurate blood pressure measurement.
You can help the campaign by sharing information and resources on social media, promoting individual screenings, and engaging with local media. Hypertension awareness and early control has become even more crucial as managing hypertension reduces the risk of COVID-19 adverse events/mortality.

We are happy to announce the release of a brief online certification course for measuring blood pressure with automated blood pressure devices, produced by PAHO in collaboration with WHL, the Lancet Commission on Hypertension Group, Hypertension Canada and Resolve to Save Lives.

We hope you can participate in the Children's Art Poster Contest. The Submissions Deadline is October 1st: winners will be announced on WHD.

Measure Your Blood Pressure, Control It, Live Longer

Governing Body
Founder President :
Dr. Shailendra Vajpeyee
Dr. S.N.Narasingan
Immediate Past-President:
Dr. Samar banarjee
View All
Membership Form
Click Here to
Application Form
Executive Committee Members
Dr. A.Muruganathan, Thiruppur
Dr.Sunita Tewari, Lucknow
Dr. Arvind Gupta, Jaipur
Dr.Neeta Deshpande, Pune
View All

Affiliated to

International Society of Hypertension

World Hypertension League

Asia Pacific Society of Hypertension

Quick Contacts


Dr.Narsingh Verma,
Secretary General,
Department of Physiology,
King George Medical University,
Res: 13/231, Indra Nagar,
Lucknow - 226016.
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